A Thriving Local Business Community Equals a Thriving Framingham

Our Mission

The Framingham Business Association (FBA) is committed to promoting and supporting our local small businesses in Framingham. We are a group of local business owners, non-profit leaders, community and elected leaders. We believe a thriving local business community equals a thriving Framingham.

Our mission is to advocate for the needs of small businesses, provide opportunities for members to connect and collaborate, and support their growth.

The FBA strives to be a good example of a successful community driven alliance dedicated to making a positive impact on behalf of the businesses and residents alike in the City of Framingham.


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Our Goals


On behalf of Framingham's diverse local business community.


The public and our elected leaders about the essentials local businesses require in order to succeed and thrive.


The continual benefits and value which our businesses provide our city.

Monthly Meeting

Special Guest: Reyad Shah, President and CEO of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce

Learn about the state of the MetroWest economy and where the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce is headed in the future. We are thrilled to welcome Reyad as the FBA continues to partner with the Chamber on supporting local businesses. 

Wednesday, March 12 at 12:00 pm            La Cantina, 911 Waverly Street

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Join the Framingham Business Association

Membership to the FBA is open to any member of the Framingham local business community.

Please email us regarding how to join: framinghambusinessassociation@gmail.com